Easter Sunday was perfect. We got up for mass and the church was beautiful. The funniest thing about a Catholic mass in China was during the offering of bread and wine at the end of service, what I've seen in the past was an orderly procession of one row of pews at a time. All of a sudden, everyone in the church stood up and bottle-necked into the aisles. Mare whispered, "Here comes the Chinese fire-drill" and I almost cracked up. Afterwards it was fun to see some of the faces I recognized during my first trip.

After the service we went back for a lovely traditional Easter brunch. Mare did an excellent job with the meal and the setting; all the delicious foods that I had been missing since last Easter. Afterwards, I went on a search in the apartment for my Easter basket! Of course I looked everywhere and couldn't find it, so we had to resort to playing 'hot and cold.' It was in the dishwasher and I felt like a kid again. It was great.
That afternoon we went to the Space Museum (my request, of course) and even though the museum itself was a little outdated, it was still fun. I was surprised (but not really) that the majority of the first part of the museum was about rockets and the Chinese innovations with gun powder. I even got rigged up to a harness that was supposed to feel similar to what walking on the moon was like.

The reality is they hook you up to this harness in a glass box and hold you just above the ground so your feet can't touch the ground. Not really what I imagine the moon to be, more just a sick joke in which the people running the harness get to hover helpless folks over the ground and laugh to themselves. Either way, we had a good time even though nothing in the museum had been updated for a decade or so.
That evening sums up exactly what I was hoping for in my trip to Hong Kong. We hung out in the living room eating cheese and fruit, drinking wine, and ended the night with a game of Scrabble. Couldn't ask for a better night, even though Mare beat us pretty bad a Scrabble because of the word 'ox.'