Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Dic

I was having coffee with my good Thai friend before our 1pm class today. Actually we were having coffee and sharing a Belgian waffle, because we felt like some sugar for lunch. We also had spicy noodle soup together for breakfast. (There is no such thing as 'breakfast food' and 'lunch food' here.) That is neither here nor there. Now, she teaches me something new everyday and today's lesson I found pretty unbelievable.

"Oh! My dic!" she says.
"Your what?"
"I forgot my dic back in the office, but, it's ok. I don't need it today."
"What are you talking about?"
"My talking dic."

At this point I am laughing because I think I know what she's talking about, but I seriously can't believe it yet. But it is true. Thai people abbreviate the word dictionary. So Thai teachers will ask their students, "Do you have a dic? Uh oh. You forgot your dic? You left your dic at home? No one has a dic today? That's too bad."



Anonymous said...

Ok Mia I'm not sure but I think you well love this. I think its way funny:-)


give it a look see:-)

Zoe said...

Hi there, I made a short film called 'My Talking Dic' about this very thing!


Nik Daum said...

LOL, that's my kind of humor. I miss Thailand.