Thursday, June 12, 2008

Best Hair

I met the person last night with the greatest haircut in probably the whole world. In fact, I think I met all five people with the top five haircuts in the world. The Asians really know how to make their hair look awesome, especially the boys. If I had sleek straight black hair I would walk over to the salon right now and get an Asian mullet. Yes, Asians make mullets look so cool. The singer of a band I saw last night had his hair dyed a shimmering Ken-doll blond and his bangs made a perfect arch over his forehead, with his sideburns poking down his jawline, kind of like a yellow rainbow over his eyes. His short little mullet was spiked away from the back of his head and as much as he moved around on stage, his hair did not.

There is something about Thai hair that is so spikable. I love it. I can't tell if they use gel, but getting your hair to spike in the right direction is like an art form. The person with the greatest haircut in the world - I can't even describe how perfect it was. It was asymmetrical in the front, with one side longer than the other, and it somehow swooshed so gracefully in a perfect shiny swirl around his face. The back of his hair had that same swoosh, but little spiky tufts poking out. It was almost like his head was a cupcake, his hair was the icing, and he got the most elegant swirl to make his head look extra delicious. I wanted to take a picture of it, but didn't get the opportunity to because I was in a trance as gravity was defied on his head. I'm sure I'll see him again soon and his hair will look exactly the same.

I so wish I could be a Thai guy for one day so I could have a go at styling my hair and wearing skin tight jeans with chains and hipster tennis shoes and funky t-shirts and have a fancy cell phone that matches the color of my tricked out motorbike. Some people have stranger wishes, I guess.

1 comment:

Sallys Mom said...

Sally says, "wow - - don't do that to your hair!"

I, on the other hand, think it might be a good look for you."