Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Buffet Madness

I went with some new friends to a restaurant that is just steps away from my apartment but I would have never found it unless I happened to wander down the sketchy looking alley that seems to lead to nowhere interesting. But this place is definitely interesting. There is really no way to describe it. It's completely outdoors, you walk past a few coin operated kiddie rides, the eating area is under a huge tin roof with about 150 picnic tables and a stage with musicians on one side and an endless buffet in the middle. The place oddly reminds me of a state fair or a place where they would clear the tables and have a square dancing contest.

The tables each had a contraption that boils water and grills food at the same time. The buffet had raw meat and seafood galore. You choose what you want to eat, and cook it yourself at the table. Did I mention that it was all you can eat? It wasn't all raw food, there was sushi, prepared salads, somtum, fruits and veggies, desserts... So the deal is you pay about 4 dollars to eat as much as you want/can. You pay an extra fee for any food that you take from the buffet but don't eat. This is both a treat and a challenge. Everything looks good, and therefore you will eat everything that looks good enough to grab, else you will pay. I tried a few new foods, new fruits, and ended with a nice piece of chocolate cake. I am stuffed and content. It's one of those places that is so odd but so perfect. I wish everyone could experience this place.

1 comment:

Sallys Mom said...

Mia - - this is the best Old Country Buffet EVER.
