The caves were impressive. For one part you had to hire a guide who took a lamp and showed you which passageways to go through, which drop-offs to avoid, and pointed out interesting structures. She pointed out rocks that looked like elephants, lotus blossoms, candles, trees, curtains, and my favorite: the humps on the ground with the nub at the top were "boobs," she said. She pointed to her own to make sure we understood.
The temple itself was beautiful, and there was a pond with fish the size of my leg, and if Max fell in they would have eaten him alive in one bite. Although the time spent at the caves was short, I still looked forward to the bus ride home again. Something about bus rides makes me sleep like a baby. The seats aren't that comfortable but there were a few times when I felt myself bobbing and bam! my head slams the window and I'm awake again. The Thai boy who was sharing the seat with me also was bobbing a bit and we crashed heads once or twice. Maybe because it's hot and crowded and a little bit rocky, similar to a womb..? Either way, we were birthed back in Chiang Mai in no time. I'm having trouble posting my other pictures, but I'll get them up as soon as I can. This one below reminds me of the snow capped trees that I don't anticipate missing this winter.
1 comment:
You're a girl who makes the most out of a field trip, Mia.
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