Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Goofballs

Some of my students think they are pretty funny. Today they had to give presentations on a topic related to health, and one group of guys did an informational presentation on prostate cancer. One of the requirements for the presentation was a visual aid. (You can see where this is going). They had printed out a few handouts for the class to pass around which included anatomy of the male genitalia as they talked about the risks and prevention strategies of prostate cancer in men. It didn't really phase the class at all, no one was being immature and giggling, which was actually pretty surprising. Here is the best part: they gave me my own handout for the presentation and after they finished, they went back to their seats. As they passed me, I returned the handout back to them and they all had big smiles on their faces and said, "You can keep it, teacher." I said with an eyebrow raised, "No thanks. I don't really think I need to keep it." That's when the class busted out laughing. I laugh about it now too. I am really going to miss those goofballs when the semester is over.

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