I only teach one class on Mondays and Thursdays. I teach four classes on Tuesdays and Fridays. There is no class on Wednesdays. I don't know how I'm going to handle being in front of students for 5 or more hours two days of the week. Should be interesting. I'll either need to bring a change of clothes or just stop sweating altogether. Oh yeah, there is no air conditioning in the classrooms. I think I'll have to get one of those personal fans that you hold in front of your face and it sprays a gentle mist to cool you down. "Class, does anyone know what a 'soccer mom' is?"
I started class right at 8am, and I only had about 11 students. I was expecting 30 or more. For these freshman, it was their very first class of their college career and here they had this girl with a Minnesotan accent who talks too fast. I tried my very hardest to speak slowly and clearly. You try speaking to a group for an hour or more while articulating every letter you speak and only saying two words per second. It's difficult to keep that slow pace. I went through the course syllabus quickly, as well as general classroom expectations, how they can get a hold of me, and other housekeeping things in the first 30 minutes. This was supposed to take most of the class. What was I going to do now? I had 45 minutes to fill. So I had them introduce themselves to me, and after doing so I had a better idea of their skill levels. I then told them a little bit about myself and about America and Minnesota. When I said the temperature can get around -5 degrees Celsius, they just about pissed themselves. (This is a modest 23 degrees F). None of them have ever seen snow, and none of them have ever owned a pair of mittens.
I had the students ask me questions if they had any. The first one was my age. This is what I was afraid of. I'm not much older than them and I want them to take me seriously even though I may only be 3 years their senior. I told them anyway. They all gasped. "22? Did she say 22?!" They thought I was nearly 30. Nice.
The next question was interesting: "Who are you going to vote for in the upcoming election? Democratic or Republican?" I have a feeling he's going to be an advanced student. This was the same student when we did a class exercise about what their favorite subject is, answered, "Studying English with Ajaan Mia!" Oh boy.
At the end of class, I had a young woman approach me and ask me what she needed to do to get an A in the class. It was very sweet and that's when I realized I'm going to have a great group of students who really want to do well. I'm so excited, I can't even tell you. I was exhausted after just one class, so tomorrow I'll be treating myself to some ice cream and a massage at the end of the day. 4 classes.....I'll let you know how they go.
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